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Soal Adjective Clause
1. The Bogor Palace, … was rebuilt in 1856, is one of Indonesia’s Presidential Palaces.
a. Which
b. That
c. Who
d. Whom
2. The movie … they watched was very interesting.
a. Whose
b. Whom
c. That
d. Which
3. The student, … IQ is higher that Albert Einstein, loves to learn foreign languages.
a. Who
b. Whose
c. That
d. Where
4. It was my classmate … hit the tennis ball over the net.
a. Which
b. That
c. Whom
d. When
5. The man … lives across the school is my uncle.
a. Who
b. That
c. Whom
d. When
6. The girl … umbrella is on the rain is my little sister.
a. Who
b. Whose
c. That
d. Where
7. The student …. I met is Mariam
a. Who
b. That
c. Whom
d. When
8. Do you wear the dress … I gave it to you for your birthday?
a. Whose
b. Whom
c. That
d. Which
9. Can you see the cat …is on the fence?
a. Whose
b. Whom
c. That
d. Which
10. The lady ….. lives across the street is my aunt.
a. Whom
b. Who
c. Whose
d. Where
Kunci Jawaban Soal Adjective Clause
1. c. When
2. a. Which
3. c. That
4. b. Whose
5. b. That
6. a. Who
7. b. Whose
8. c. Whom
9. d. Which
10. c. That
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